Adult Choir
We now have a joy filled musical handbell choir. We are all still learning but we are praising and worshiping in a "new-to-us" unique way. We meet on Sunday evenings at 5pm and work on 1-2 songs that we will perform as specials during a future service. Contact Al Lawson for more info.

Our Sunday morning worship is a small mix of beloved older hymns and praise music, beautifully accompanied by our skilled pianists and organist.
Occasionally members will share their talent in leading us in a special song with voice or musical instruments.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30am.

Adult Choir:
Our adult choir meet for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 P.M. We go over music for the upcoming Sunday anthem and work ahead on specials for future weeks. Sundays we meet in the choir room at about 10:15 to warm up for the service.
NexGen Choir:
Our NexGen choir meet on Sunday evenings at 5:30pm to go over songs for future specials.

Handbell Choir
Occasionally on a given Sunday morning, you may find long tables set up and joyful ringing bringing us into worship.
Our handbell choir meet for rehearsals on Sunday afternoons at 5:30pm.